I, (Ross William Gilchrist), was born on the 11th October 1983, the same year the film ‘Ghostbusters’ went into production, to William Rae Gilchrist (Not to be called Billy Rae) and Andrea Middlemiss (then Gilchrist previously Johnstone). Three years later, I discovered the theme song by Ray Parker Jnr on a “Now thats what I call music” double album. Trying to understand how the sound could be reproduced from a thin twelve inch piece of vinyl, I got my hair caught in the needle of the turntable… no shit. This is my earliest memory. Upon my release I became obsessed with music in all its forms, and eventually I was given a cheap but highly appreciated tobacco sunburst stratocaster copy by my now deceased Papa Gilchrist, who bought it using money he had accumulated by not smoking and I have been in bands ever since. (Papa Gilchrist went on to smoke cigars ’till the day he died, On yersel’ Jimmy!!!!!)
My first full length solo album, (Produced by David Burns) bears the title ‘VVF&I’ meaning ‘Victory Virtue and the Fool (Inverted)’.
Review from crookedrain.co.uk
“Next up was Ross Gilchrist, my pick of the night. Ross is so slight he looked as though his guitar may tip him over, and whose jacket was he wearing? Anyway, he ripped into Psycho Killer to start and bowled the audience over. It was a great opener and made everyone take notice. He kept up his on stage poise with some banter and seemed quite at ease. He has a different sound from most of his ilk and it plays well.”
What they say, be they who they are…
“…very clever, exciting stuff.”- Roscoe Vacant
“Weird folktronic doo-wop rock!”- David Burns
“..one of those little guys I beat up in school.”- Mark Calloway

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