KC – Kevin Chilvers
A little bit about Kevin…
Kevin Chilvers was a singer/songwriter who had commercial success in the mid noughties with the rock band THE CHILL with the singles Push and Human in the download top 75. No 10 and 55 respectively.
However after a breakdown in 2009 he turned his back on rock and turned to hip-hop his childhood love and became KC, releasing BROKEN MAN / START UP (Debut single) MARCH 2011 before channeling his recovery/understanding/management from/of depression into an uplifting experience for the album, AN UNCOMMERICAL BREAKDOWN (ALBUM) OCT 2011.
Since then he has gigged his songs across the county and become the no.1 internet hip-hop act in Norfolk/Suffolk according to www.reverbnation.co.uk/caseyhiphop and in 2013 he turned his back on his well paid sales management role to concentrate 109% on counting and gigging and helping teenagers express themselves with hip-hop through school and youth workshops.
Editorial by Hannah Balcam
KC is also to be heard on the KC and DJ Dan Show on watton-radio.co.uk

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