I love music that gives you a feeling of longing, having something you need so badly so close but being unable to grasp it, still knowing it is there in all its beauty, enchanting, haunting…Thats what breaks down every boundary for me. I forget food, sleep and my surroundings fade into nothingness.
That is why I usually write my songs within 2-4 hours. I do some mixing later on and I sometimes do some new overdubs but its all about capturing the moment so that the initial originality doesn’t get lost. I like things to sound epic. You could say I’m into loads of delay mixed with reverb 😉
I usually take the first vocal take and I don’t write a text but strangely enough it always comes out the way I want it. I don’t play shows but I will try and keep this site up to date with loads of new songs. Hope y’all like it and get something out of it. Music is to share so thats why I’m doing it.
All Things Backfire

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