We get a lot of questions about our name. Way more than we ever thought we would. So, we figured we should explain some basic facts about it.
Okay, first of all, the pronunciation… it’s simply “plid”, just how it looks. Not “pee-lid” or “puh-lid” or “pee-el-eye-dee”, all of which are understandable assumptions… but it’s just “plid”… like, as in, just say the word “lid”, but put a “P” in front of it.
Second, what the hell does it mean? This one’s a bit tougher. First, there is a VERY common definition of the word PLID, and that is the acronym Plug in Identifier: a computer term, and an obvious assumption as to the origin of our name, seeing as how we are completely electronic and such. But no. While our name IS an acronym, it stands for something a little more esoteric and odd.
When we first started this band, ya know WAY back in ’03, when we first had the idea, we wanted to come up with a properly kitschy, weird, head-scratchy, anti-pop-culture kinda name. Somebody brought up the famous gay actor of a bygone era, Paul Lynde, and we thought WOW, he really IS a random icon, or celeb., or whatever. We thought, hmmmm, what if we could come up with a way to finally lay to rest so much of the crap we thought was ridiculous about stereotypes and such of the past, and put it all in our name… Paul Lynde….. is DEAD… YEAH…. and ya know what? Actually, for a while, that was our name. Paul Lynde is Dead… The truth is, though, so many people don’t know who Paul Lynde is… ( which is kind of a shame, he was pretty damn odd and funny ). So, we thought, well, it would be more efficient, anyway, to just say “PLID”.
PLID are:
Frank Ortiz (programming, keys, backing vocals, the mysterious man behind the curtain)
Eric Dano (the poet, the Pan, the Fool, lyricist, co-frontman and Performance Artist)
Chris Patton (Chris is the co-frontman/ lyricist/ conceptualizer and synth player)
Founded in the early-2000s, PLID faded away for awhile to regroup, to find the sound they were always on the verge of finding before, and to re-emerge in the year 2013, in a New Aeon of Electronic Pop, Rock, and Alternative music.

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