This was the bio posted by Now We Are Six some time ago, not to be confused with the Californian band of the same name. No idea where they are now.
“In the late 1800’s, during a period of extreme seclusion, Emily Dickinson wrote “Let your soul stand ajar, always ready to welcome the next ecstatic experience”. Consider her current notoriety. Along with Frost, Poe, and Shakespeare, she exists in a small, sanctioned group of “Household Poets”. The peculiar thing about Dickinson? Over 1800 of her poems were published, and only 7 of those while she was living. Funny how irony works. Someone who professes the beauty of life’s experiences, dying before getting an audience to profess to. And over 100 years later she is still being heard. This is a lesson in what it is to be an artist. Art is not to be predicted, contested, or constrained. It is not sport nor competition. There is only one finish line, and we all start there. We hope to always make music under these provisions; guilelessly and without assumption. With sincerity. And with souls standing ajar to every new, ecstatic experience.”
-Now We Are Six

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