Falterboy are an Alternative Rock Band originally based in Florida. Front man Jeremy Schantz hails from Michigan though he spent many years in the Tampa Bay music scene.
Their album Blasphemy is about growing up in southern Michigan. Its is available on their Bandcamp site.
Falterboy#TitleArtistComposerTimeID01.http://artistsonlinemusic.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/To-Cure-Me-Is-To-Kill-Me.mp3To Cure Me Is To Kill MeFalterboy3:13s1audio/mpeg8002.http://artistsonlinemusic.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Cassanova-Frankenstein.mp3Cassanova FrankensteinFalterboy4:32s2audio/mpeg80

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